2024 Banff Open – Nov 9-11

Entries are now open for the 2024 Banff Open. Entries are limited to 130 this year. Last year entries were full by the end of September, so please enter early and plan to come to this event. Sadly, due to change of management, this will be Ian Findlay’s last year organizing this event and the last year the tournament will be held at the Banff Centre. You can enter by going to 2024 schedule or by this link https://www.albertachess.org/home/2024-banff-open/

I am happy to announce IM Mark Ginsburg is back, trying to win the tournament for a third time.

I am delighted to announce the entry of IM Jean Hébert.

Jean Hébert who holds the ICCF title of Correspondence Chess Grandmaster and the FIDE title of International Master. The winner of the Canadian Chess Championship in 1978 and 2009, he also tied for the title in 2007, but lost in playoffs. He represented Canada at the 1979 Interzonal tournament as well as seven times at Chess Olympiads. He also took part in the Chess World Cup 2009, but was knocked out by Peter Svidler in the first round. In 2022, Hébert won the Canadian Seniors’ Championship.

I am thrilled to announce the entry of IM Raymond Kaufman.

I am excited to announce junior sensation FM Tymur Keleberda from Edmonton has just entered and is currently ranked #3 in the tournament.

Masters Sherzod Khodjimatov, Amir Bahmani, FM Ian Findlay, Anand Rishi Chandra, Leo Lin, Omid Malek, Mahan Eshraghi and FM Dale Haessel have also entered.

*** I am delighted to announce the entry of IM Olivier Kenta Chiku-Ratté. At 2455 he is the number 1 seed. ***

** As of Nov 3, we are up to 131 entries. Due to space restrictions, I will close entries at 131 and will start a waiting list at that time. Entries close midnight Nov 6, 2024**

**** Entries are now closed. If you wish to be put on waiting list, email ianfindlay2314@gmail.com ****

2024 Battle of Alberta Results

Congratulations to Team South on winning the Battle of Alberta. They came in with a big rating advantage, and made no mistake, finishing with a crushing second round to win 17-7. Still, very well done to the North players who scored big upset games, and to the seven players who scored 2/2.

Big thanks to captains Zeeshan Munir and Rafael Arruebarrena for organizing. Photos from the event can be found on the CCC facebook page.

The Junior Battle of Alberta follows on September 28th in Red Deer, full details here.

2024 Over/Under 1800 Results

Congratulations to Amir Mohammad Bahmani on winning the Over 1800 with a perfect 5/5 score! Anand Rishi Chandra was runner up with 3.5/5.

Congratulations to Jack Sheng on winning the Under 1800 with a 4.5/5 score. Second place was shared by Joshua Sembrano and Shanker Raman.

Thanks to Zeeshan Munir and the CCC for organizing.

2024 Over/Under 1800

Registration is open for the Over/Under 1800 in Calgary on August 10-11. Full information available here.

Look at the other recent posts for more of our upcoming events, including the Banff Open and the Edmonton International.

2024 Edmonton International

Registration is open for the 15th Edmonton International. You can view full info for the event here and sign up here. Note that you must be 1900+ CFC/FIDE (or have qualified in a previous event) to be eligible for the tournament.

Other upcoming events, all in Calgary:
– Canadian Seniors Championship, Aug. 3-5
– Over/Under 1800, Aug. 10-11
– North American Junior Chess Championship, Aug. 14-18

Tournament Director Workshop

IA Vlad Rekhson will be conducting an online TD workshop on Saturday, July 6th. Information and sign up are here: https://forms.gle/1HVZEcqtx2LhqLrY8

We invite anyone who may be interested in directing a tournament to join, and especially would like to invite members from outside Edmonton and Calgary to help run high quality events in all areas of the province.

2024 Steinitz-Menchik Results

Congratulations to Hemant Srinivasan on winning the Steinitz-Menchik Classic with a 5.5/6 score. This is his third consecutive year posting an outstanding result at the Steinitz-Menchik, totalling a 15-2-1 record over the 18 games. Second place went to Anand Rishi Chandra at 5/6, who was the only player to draw the winner this year.

Congratulations also to Jack Sheng, who won the second section with a 5.5/6 score, half a point ahead of Mats Philipzig. Results for both sections can be viewed here. Thanks to the CCC for organizing, and Sean Wu for directing.

Reminder that the Trumpeter Open is this weekend, June 8-9 in Grande Prairie, and the second Edmonton International Qualifier the following weekend. See the ACA Schedule page for info on both.

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