BC-AB Inaugural Match May 6-8

The first ever BC-AB will take place in Salmon BC, May 6-8th. The deadline to register is May 4. For more details or to sign up please go to the BC website. http://bcopenchess.pbworks.com/w/page/147768783/BCvsAB

2022 Lethbridge Open – April 2-3 2022 – Great turnout.

So far 33 advanced entries, including FM Dale Haessel. This years tournament looks like it will be a big success. Dustin Koperski was recruited at the TD. Dustin is known to be one of the top directors in Alberta. Go to the 2022 Schedule and scroll down to Lethbridge Open and click on the link to enter and for more details and advanced entries. We are expected a record prize fund this year, with the slight increase in entry fee and the recent chess boom! There will be a wine and cheese tasting after the last round on Saturday, courtesy of Dr. Paul Viminitz. ** 33 advanced entries so far – updated 2022-04-02 at 00:39 – This is the last update **

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