Alberta Closed Results

Congratulations to IM Bitan Banerjee, who secured his sixth Alberta Championship victory with a 5-move draw in the final round! The draw ensured he would at worst finish tied at 4/5 with FM Tymur Keleberda, but having defeated Tymur in the first round Bitan was set to finish first on the head-to-head tiebreak.

Instead, however, Sherzod Khodjimatov survived a highly unpleasant position against Tymur in the last game and turned it around to win in 83 moves. Congratulations to him on solo second place (3.5/5).

You can review the games and standings on the Lichess broadcast, and pictures on the CCC facebook page.

One more congrats to Jinghui Bai, who scored 4.5/5 in the Alberta Reserves to win by half a point over Hemant Srinivasan and Yash Darvekar.

Many thanks to Bhavik Dave for organizing and directing.

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