ACA Casino

Our thanks to all the volunteers who put in the time at the Grand Villa Casino in Edmonton on September 30 + October 1 to help the Alberta Chess Association complete a successful fundraising event.

Dale Haessel led the way, coming from Calgary to do all four shifts as Cashier. Terry Seehagen did three shifts. Paris Dorn, Dustin Koperski, Michael Lee, Andrew Lonegren, Steve Panteluk, John Quiring, Jake Slone, Ford Wong, and Mike Zeggelaar did two shifts each.

Rob Brazeau, John Clemens, David Ludwig, Wade Miller, Dmitri Pogosyan, Gerhard Reuter, Jordan Rohatynski, Dat Tran, and Elly Zeggelaar each did one shift.

Along with our professional Advisors – Heath Clegg, Ev Humphrey, and Andy Jou – these volunteer efforts will give the ACA the ability to continue to support chess activities in Alberta for another two years.

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